Suomen Somalia-verkosto ry
Finnish Somalia Network
Marja Tiilikainen
Maippi Tapanainen
Hassan Abdi Ali
Mohamed Ahmed Elfadl
Peik Johansson
Liisa Laakso
Minna Mayer
Abdirizak Hassan Mohamed
Matti Ripatti
Teppo Tiilikainen

ISSN-L 1799-6163
ISSN 1799-6163

on Somalian, Djiboutin, Eritrean, Etiopian, Sudanin ja Etelä-Sudanin kehityskysymyksiin keskittyvä verkkolehti. Lehteä julkaisee Suomen Somalia-verkosto ry. Afrikan Sarvessa julkaistaan sekä tutkimukseen että käytännön työhön perustuvia artikkeleita ja puheenvuoroja. Afrikan Sarvi on kolmikielinen (suomi, ruotsi, englanti) ja se ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa.
är en nättidskrift som fokuserar på utvecklingsfrågor i Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Etiopien, Sudan och Södra Sudan. Tidningen utges av Suomen Somalia-verkosto (Finlands Somalia-nätverk). Artiklarna och det övriga innehållet i Afrikas Horn baserar sig på både forskning och praktiskt arbete. Afrikas Horn är trespråkig (finska, svenska, engelska) och utkommer två gånger per år.
is an electronic journal which focuses on developmental questions in Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and South Sudan. It is published by the Finnish Somalia Network. The articles and other materials are based both on research and practical work. Horn of Africa Journal is trilingual (Finnish, Swedish, English) and it is issued twice a year.

Ohjeita Afrikan Sarven kirjoittajille
Anvisningar för bidragsgivare
Instructions for contributors


تعريف عن الصحيفة باللغة العربية


Harmony versus progress

The African Ubuntu and Latin American Buen Vivir cosmovisions see “development” differently: the primary objective is not to achieve “progress”, and there is no such thing as underdevelopment.

Marianne Kuusipalo

Turha apu tekee avuttomaksi

Laura Meriläinen-Amaumo & Maippi Tapanainen

Somali women’s devotional space

Ahmed Ibrahim Awale


Instructions for contributors

Afrikan Sarvi – Horn of Africa Journal publishes

  1. Scholarly articles, maximum length 20 000 characters.
    • no text references nor footnotes, but bibliography should be included
    • web-links are included in the text
    • bibliography is written in the following way:
    • Adam, Hussein M. (2010). Political Islam in Somali history, in Markus Hoehne &Virginia Luling (eds.): Milk and Peace, Drought and War: Somali Culture, Society and Politics. London: Hurst, 119−135.

      Greene, Shane (1998). The Shaman’s Needle: Development, Shamanic Agency, and Intermedicality in Aguaruna Lands, Peru. American Ethnologist 25(4): 634−658.

      Wolputte, Steven Van & René Devisch & Jaak Le Roy & Dimonfu Lapika (2002). Medical Pluralism and Lay Therapy Management in Kinshasa. Uppsala: Uppsala University.

  2. Columns, preferred length between 3000 and 4000 characters.
  3. News, maximum length 1000 characters.
  4. Travel reports and reportages, preferred length between 3000 and 7000 characters.
    • photographs and pictures welcome
  5. Project presentations, preferred length between 3000 and 8000 characters.
    • photographs, audio and video clips welcome
  6. Reviews, preferred length between 2000 and 4000 characters.

Please, remember that the shorter and apter the text is, the more likely it will be read. This applies even to texts published in the net.


A headline has to express the core of the article simply or at least in the way that it invites a reader to continue.

It is recommended to use verbs and concrete words.

A headline should be very short, maximum 50 characters with spaces.


A text which is longer than 2500 characters must also include ingress. In the ingress, introduce the central message of the article with 2 − 3 tangible sentences. Maximum length of ingress is 200 characters with spaces and it should be attractive.

Subtitles and paragraphs

In an article it is recommended to have several subtitles, for example, always after three consecutive paragraphs.

Paragraphs should be short; in a good paragraph (Word view) there are 3 – 4 lines and 1 – 3 sentences.


Use good standard language. The Horn of Africa Journal is aimed at the general public, hence, for all those who are interested in its scope and topics.

The best sentences consist of main clauses and subordinate clauses. Avoid complicated structures.

Spoken language may help to create sentences that are easily understandable. Please, consider how it would be possible to explain an idea to a person who had no prior knowledge on the topic.


Do not format the text, unless a word needs to be italicized.

Photographs, figures and tables

Photographs, figures and tables should be sent as separate files, and their eventual position should be clearly indicated in the text. Photographs should be sent in jpg-format. Attach also information on the photographer as well as the situation and people showed in the picture.

Author information

At the end of the text include also basic information of the author (name, title, profession, institutional affiliation and preferably also e-mail).

How to submit the text?

Please, send the text in RTF format by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Before submitting the text, make sure that English language has been checked.

Editorial process

All the texts are edited by editorial staff before publishing. The aim is to ensure that a text is easily accessible and as interesting as possible for a reader. After editing the author has an opportunity to check the text before it will be published.

Suomen Somalia-verkosto ry
Finnish Somalia Network